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Arts Program Miami

Does your child have a passion for dance or a keen interest in the arts? At The Biltmore School, we offer a dynamic Arts Program that aims to channel your child's talents in the right direction. If you envision your child thriving in an environment that nurtures their artistic potential, don't hesitate to reach out to us now.

Make the right choice for your child's education at 305-266-4666

Unleashing Creative Energies through Movement

Encouraging your child to engage in activities like dance, drama, music, or sports is crucial for their development. These experiences not only offer them a chance to explore diverse interests but also lay the foundation for building confidence and self-esteem.

At The Biltmore School, we take pride in providing students with opportunities to discover and cultivate their talents, and our modern dance program is a testament to our commitment.

In our modern dance program, we go beyond the steps; we foster an environment where passion meets precision. Students are given the chance to express themselves through movement, igniting creativity and enhancing physical well-being. As an institution, we believe in nurturing happy, confident, and self-reliant individuals who find joy in their learning experiences.

Where Passion Meets Precision

Arts Program Miami
Our Services
  • Nido And Preschool Education
  • Middle School
  • Elementary School
  • Arts Program
  • IB School
  • Enhancement Programs
Our Guarantees
  • Over 90 Years of Excellence
  • Prestigious School in Miami
  • International Baccalaureate World School
  • Highly Qualified and Experienced Staff
We Serve
  • Miami

Celebrating Diversity through Language

At The Biltmore School, we recognize the integral role language plays in a child's development. Our comprehensive language policy aligns with our philosophy and the needs of our students, supporting their journey to becoming multilingual global citizens.

We identify students' mother tongue language through annual registration, ensuring tailored support for those in need. Assessments like MAP Growth and GRADE help identify language difficulties, enabling teachers to make reasonable adjustments.

Our language program assessment encompasses oral, written, and visual communication strands. Teachers employ various methods such as portfolios and conferences, ensuring a holistic approach to language development. Continuous professional development, weekly group meetings, and individual sessions support our teachers in implementing best practices.

Where Language Builds Bridges

Arts And Linguistics Miami