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Elementary School Miami

At The Biltmore School, we invite you to embark on a journey of educational excellence in the heart of Miami. If you aspire for your child to thrive in an environment that prioritizes both academic and personal development, look no further – contact us now and let the journey to success begin.

Make the right choice for your child's education at 305-266-4666

Building Foundations, Inspiring Futures

The Biltmore School stands as a beacon for high-standard, international education. We are committed to providing an enriching academic environment that not only imparts knowledge but also cultivates a love for learning. Beyond textbooks, we focus on fostering the holistic development of each child, ensuring they have the tools to navigate an ever-changing world.

In addition to our international standard education, we recognize the importance of unlocking your child's full potential. Our curriculum extends beyond the classroom to provide a captivating extracurricular program.

From arts and sports to various enrichment activities, we believe in providing a well-rounded education that nurtures their talents, encourages personal growth, and shapes their unique personalities.

Elevate Learning, Empower Growth

Elementary School Miami
Our Services
  • Nido And Preschool Education
  • Middle School
  • Elementary School
  • Arts Program
  • IB School
  • Enhancement Programs
Our Guarantees
  • Over 90 Years of Excellence
  • Prestigious School in Miami
  • International Baccalaureate World School
  • Highly Qualified and Experienced Staff
We Serve
  • Miami

Beyond the Classroom – Unleashing Talents

At The Biltmore School, we understand that education goes beyond the traditional classroom setting. Our commitment to excellence is not confined to textbooks; we enrich your child's experience with a vibrant and interesting extracurricular program. This program is carefully curated to provide diverse opportunities for your child to explore and develop their interests.

Whether it's art, music, sports, or other engaging activities, our extracurricular offerings are designed to spark curiosity and passion in every child. We believe that these additional avenues of learning not only complement the academic curriculum but also play a crucial role in shaping well-rounded individuals.

Contact us now to give your child the gift of a comprehensive education that goes beyond the ordinary, inspiring a love for learning and lifelong success.

Enriching Lives, One Activity at a Time

Elementary School Education  Miami